

We recommend your submission in English
After selecting one, please fill the entire form in the same language.


ID 0000000
Use a short name without slogans or descriptions
To what research institution is the technology connected?
Enter the name of the research group or related team
(publishable summary, up to 140 characters)
Present in a concise and precise way, in a paragraph, the summary of your solution.
What are the main keywords to categorize your startup? This should help people understand what kind of startup you are. Please enter up to 3 tags, separated by comma (,). Examples: "fintech, education, marketplace"
The goal is to hear you talk about your startup, so do not send institutional videos. The video should have the privacy settings "Public" or "Unlisted", otherwise we can't access it. Learn how to upload videos on Youtube.
We highly recommend that you upload your startup logo

Registration Data

About the leading entrepreneur:
Enter a link of a website with your technology profile

About the startup:

Standardized Description

What problem are you solving?
What product/service your company offers as a way to solve this problem?
How did you arrive to the current stage and what validations have you made? (Conversations with customers, feedback from companies/investors, technical feasibility studies, pilot testing, market testing, etc.)
Who is your customer, that pays for your service/product?
What are the main resources your startup have already available for your business? (team, money, technology, partnerships, patents, etc.)
What are the main resources your startup is still looking for in the short term to enable the next steps of your business? (team, money, technology, partnerships, etc.)

Fast Track Eligibility

If your startup has already been evaluated in a government funding program, acceleration, incubation, competition, awards or investment you can go straight to stage 2 by the Fast-Track process. Enter below the program name and website, what have you won (award, finalist, investment), a contact point for validation of the information (name, email) and if possible a link with the evidence of this achievement.
If your startup has already received investment of at least U$ 100,000 from a group of angel investors or investment fund, you can go straight to stage 3 by the Fast-Track process. Enter below the name and website of the investors, the amount of investment received, a contact point for validation of the information (name, email) and if possible an investor website link where you are listed as part of the portfolio.

Challenges and Categorization

Which of the Grand Challenges your startup is interested to participate and be matched with? It is important that the proposal has a clear connection with the selected challenges. Learn more about the topics, content and connected companies in each challenge.
Within the selected challenges, which one does your startup fit in the best?
Which industry sectors your startup is best related? Select only the relevant sectors, as this information will be used to match your startup with network executives and experts from the 100 Open Startups network. (Adapted from Thomson Reuters Business Classification - TRBC)
Select which technology and innovation trends that your startup exploits. (Based on technology trends and innovation identified by the European Comission Business Innovation Observatory and KPMG Trends Index)
Select which communities your startup can be considered part of. Please select only one, or as few as possible.

Intellectual Property Assets

If you have protected an IP asset, please indicate which of the following IP asset protection mechanisms you have used

If you answer yes:
Describe in a general way how the process of transferring IP assets was, including information that you consider pertinent to share which evidences your experience in these processes.


If yes, from who?
If yes, around how much? (in USD)


Other users

If you have other team member that you wish to allow access to edit and manage this project, you can add their e-mail here
